Hi Margie,
Thank you for reading and for your thoughts. I do appreciate you noticing the, "if you like that, of course" because it's there to show that everyone's needs are very different and this poem is really about making sure you don't cry over men who don't try to meet your needs, which so many people do.
I, unlike you noted, do mention things other than flowers. The second stanza is about recieving poetry, and the third stanza is about being treated like precious gems.
There is also mention of having a partner who is committed and whose words are sincere.
Cheap, sleazy people do not do those things (write you poetry, treat you like precious gems, commit, exhibit sincerity). And so I don't think they would be attracted to this poem, and even if they were, I surely wouldn't keep them around or cry over losing them (the point of the poem).
But I would like to note, even if I did only mention flowers as you said, some people do need gifts and acts of service to feel loved.
Though, I am not offended by your comment because I am very confident in who I am and what I need in a partner, I really do hope your comment doesn't make those who do need gifts and acts of service feel bad about having those needs.
I am placing a link to a book about the five love languages here. My best guess is, based on your comment, yours is quality time, and it probably dominates the other love langauges.
Again, thanks for reading and I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.